The Partry Mountains - Michael Heneghan 1921

Partry Mountains.jpg

Along the Party Mountains we had a dreadful day

In wars we were surrounded all upon the 3rd of May

My mind it was completely gone, it seemed to me a dream

That bullets flew like hailstones at Bealamoondian stream.

Thully Ard and Karran are now on record

Our heroes won the battlefield, all praise to the Lord

They fought like loyal Irishmen along the mountainside,

May God protect them every day, and always be their guide.

The bullets they were whizzing round flying like the hail

I often heard success favours the sons of Granuale

They drove away the enemy in terror they did go

Which yields a lot of credit to the boys of South Mayo.

At the top of Garry Eamonn it would grieve your heart full sore

To see the soldiers raiding the side of Krodan More

But fortune proved unkind to them as one of them got a pill

A mighty bold Sinn Feiner was close behind the hill.

Upon the side of Laragon, the volunteers did say

Cheer up my gallant countrymen, it's now we have won the day

The soldiers we have conquered on the slopes of Rainanor

God is on the run with us and will for evermore.

A party of these soldiers, they came in by Loughan Shee

Their ranks were sadly broken and down they had to flee

They joined in conversation, saying now we’ve got our fill

Of all the Partry Mountains, they’re worse than Vinegar Hill.

It's now we join in praise to thank the Lord on high

That saved the proud Sinn Feiners when danger it was neigh

They proved themselves St. Patrick's sons no danger did they fear

Long live the Tourmakeady boys and the Irish Volunteers.

The volunteers were everywhere successful on that day

Excepting poor O'Brien who fell all in the fray

He died for dear old Ireland, the bravest of the brave

May the Lord have mercy on his soul he lies in his grave.


A Piece of History


South Mayo’s Fight for Freedom - by John Colleran (1966)