Cumann na mBan - Ballinrobe & Srah companies

We have recently carried out a more in depth search of the Military Pensions Archive database to try to build a better picture of the names and stories of the brave women in the Ballinrobe and Srah companies that were so vital to the success of the War of Independence. It is intended that the 3rd Lecture in the Michael O’Brien Series of Commemorative Educational Lectures will focus on the vital role played by the women of Cumann na mBan. For those interested in searching the database, link

The Military Pensions Archive database has proven invaluable to researchers in capturing some detail on the names of the people involved and their stories. The fruits of this search on Cumann na mBan are described in this article. Captain Teresa May (nee Moran) was O/C of Ballinrobe company and Captain Margaret Costello (nee Donoghue) was O/C of Srah Company.

Capt. Teresa May and Capt. Margaret Costello

We have compiled a list of 104 women who were members of Cumann na mBan in the Ballinrobe and Srah companies. We would ask that anyone who has any stories that were handed down over the years on the involvement of these women in the War of Independence and specifically the Tourmakeady Ambush, please share them with us. The names of the women are listed below:

Figure 1 - Combined names of Ballinrobe and Srah Companies

Figure 2 - Military Archive list of Ballinrobe Cumann na mBan women

Figure 3 - Military Archive list of Srah Cumann na mBan women

We are acutely aware of the fact that many women that were involved in the events of the Tourmakeady Ambush are not listed as members of Cumann na mBan in the Military Pensions Archive files. Some were also unjustly denied pensions and service medals they were obviously entitled to, for whatever reasons. Three women that were heavily involved in the Tourmakeady Ambush, Ellen Lally (nee Kavanagh), Christina Maguire (nee Feeney) and Katie Burke (nee O’Brien) are examples of these omissions. We have tried our best to capture their efforts, many were included in our book Tourmakeady Ambush 1921.


Annie Moran - new information from the Military archives


New Centenary Memorial Monument in Srah