The Ballad of Michael O’Brien - sung by Henry Stagg

The Ballad, Brave Michael O’Brien was written in the months following the Tourmakeady Ambush by Comdt. Seamus Burke from Kildun who would later marry Katie O’Brien, Michael’s sister.

Our Centenary Commemoration project has sought to bring our ancestors history to this generation through oral history, poetry and song. This ballad is a jewel within this story, so to hear it sung by a veteran of the War of Indepedence is very special. Henry Stagg from the Robeen Company was recorded singing this song in the 1960’s. The story behind Henry singing it is important.

Padraig Vahey was a 17-year-old Volunteer from Clooncormack in Hollymount who played a pivotal role in the Tourmakeady Ambush. Padraig worked at Birmingham's shop in Ballinrobe where the RIC got their provisions on the days they went to Derrypark. He was also the scout that would bring Maguire and his men word when the British forces came into the shop. It took about two hours to purchase and load the supply provisions, so Padraig had time to cycle to Tourmakeady to let them know the convoy was coming. This Padraig did, getting the message to Tom Maguire in the nick of time.

Having delivered the vital intelligence to the waiting Flying Column, Pake, as he was known in his family, could not return to Ballinrobe and was forced to hide out in the mountains. He eventually made his way home after 5 days out on the mountain. However the exposure had taken its toll and he suffered a severe bronchial infection to which he succumbed and died a few weeks later. He was just 17 years old. Pake Vahey was accorded a Military Funeral by the Ballinrobe Battalion of the Old IRA under the charge of Comdt. Tom Lally.

On his death bed Pake received from one of his comrades the words of a new song that had been written about the ambush and Michael O'Brien. Before his death Pake passed the words on to Henry Stagg, who was a fellow volunteer and was married to his sister. Henry sang the song at every opportunity throughout his life. This is a recording of him singing it in the 1960s, when he was 81 years old. We sincerely thank Seoirse Ó Staighe, Pake Vahey’s nephew for kindly passing onto us this recorded piece of true Mayo folklore. The lyrics are below:

Brave Michael O’Brien (Ballad)

It was a Tuesday afternoon just on the third of May.
The noble soul Michael O'Brien from earth did pass away.
He fought and fell for Róisín Dubh neath a Tourmakeady sky,
Then his spirit joined that noble band whose deeds shall never die.

He was a gallant soldier of the famous I.R.A.
That host of knightly warriors who have stunned the world to-day.
With deeds of Irish valor, of chivalry and renown,
In battling for our freedom against the forces of the Crown.

On New Year's Day at sunset, O'Brien went "on the run,"
And side by side with Tom Maguire, he planned the English Huns
Should yield to them in battle in the cause of Éire Óg
Then he buckled on his armor, bright, to meet the Saxon rogue.

Now the English were determined that O'Brien should never fight,
they sought him day by day, and likewise at dead of night.
With soldiers and constabulary, and Auxiliary Black and Tans,
But many a comrade's vigil had failed their hellish plans.

His metal was first tested at the battle if Portroyal.
Where the "Flying Column" wanted to reverse the English smile,
The foe he soon was sighted and the battle began.
Then one volley from our gunners and the fight was fought and won.

But our Tourmakeady conquest it was a grand surprise
Six hundred British Tommie’s against thirty of our boys.
The Irish blazed into their ranks and many a foe went down
And O'Brien was there to do and dare, against the English crown.

And when the fight was fiercest, he crept across the plain.
To aid his dearest comrade, who was wounded and in pain.
"Hands up", cried England's officer, but he proudly answered "No,"
And he fell for Irish freedom as he faced the ancient foe.

But when into their hands he fell they did like brutes behave,
and true to their tradition they pursued him to the grave.
They marred his Christian burial, his career they did impeach,
But his heroic soul, unconquered, shone out beyond their reach.

And now, you friends and comrades, and all who held him dear,
As we loved him during life, let us not forget him in prayer
To raise our hearts for Michael O'Brien, that God in Heaven above
May open wide his golden gates and clasp him to his love.



Remembering the role of Women in the War of Independence


Mayo News feature on the Tourmakeady Ambush 1921